Contact ADER
Address: Str. Leca Morariu, Nr. 4, Bl. J, Sc. D, Ap. 1, Suceava, ROMANIA
E-mail: office @
Phone: 0230.530.142
About ADER
The ASSOCIATION FOR ECONOMIC AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT – A.D.E.R. is a non-profit association, created with the goal to contribute to the economic and cultural development of the North East area of Romania.
The aim of the association is to promote the economic interests of private enterprises in their relations with other organizations from Romania and abroad, to stimulate through specific means the entrepreneurship as solution for economic development of the area, the performant management of medium enterprises, the development of human resources and best practices in regional development through national and European funding programs. One of the main ADER objectives is to support social entrepreneurship that could have a major contribution to the improvement of life standards of disadvantaged categories.
The activities of the association are based on citizen’s involvement in the change they want to see, on volunteering, on transparent information regarding the opportunities for individual and organizational development.
We promote counseling and strategic development in a participatory approach. We initiate activities dedicated to develop the urban spirit in the urban space and to preserve the authenticity of traditional culture in the rural areas.
The values relevant for the association are equal opportunities for individual development, entrepreneurship in economic development, sustainable development for regional development. We promote the development of the region, by valuing the history and cultural values of material and immaterial patrimony. The projects developed by ADER are following the vision of a better life, in a better environment.