Eco-Carpathians Project

The Proiectul de colaborare transfrontalieră "ECO-CARPATHIANS - Eco-Business Development in Border Carpathians as Chance for Better Economic Competitiveness”, cod MIS ETC 1603, este:

- conducted by the Municipal Public Association" Business Center "(Chernivtsi - Ukraine)

- in collaboration with:

  • ADER - Association for Regional Economic Development (Suceava, Romania),
  • National Association for Mountains Rural Development" Romontana "(Vatra Dornei, Romania)
  • International Small and Medium Business Association "Euro Small Business" (Balti, Republic of Moldova)

The project is conducted within the Joint Operational Programme "Romania - Ukraine - Republic of Moldova 2007-2013" (the EU grant in the project-Carpathians - Eco-Business Development in Border Carpathians as Chance for Better Economic Competitiveness", MIS ETC code 1603, and represents 715,510.25 euro equivalent grivne - 7,866,605.89).

Basic objectives of the project are:

a) facilitating cross-border cooperation between mountain areas in the marketing field agricultural products, traditional handicrafts and ecological tourism in order to develop a sustainable green economy through strengthening small and medium businesses;

b) development of ecological locations in the border area through the common editing publications about eco-tourism, eco-tourism knowledge on the according to EU standards, sharing best practices, development of thematic routes in the three countries (Romania, Ukraine, Moldova);

c) improving the economic competitiveness of the mountain areas through innovative start-ups, created on the principles of ecological economics and green economy;

d) improving the infrastructure through thematic routes of mountain areas in all three countries (Romania, Ukraine, Moldova).

The project results will be:
- 60 people will attend the eco-tourism, eco-agriculture and traditional craft activity trainings;
- 45 business plans with a focus on -business (created by participants in the project);
- 15 units of accommodation will participate in a 3 days training in the field of training;
- 20 guides, travel agencies, local authorities in Romania, Ukraine and Moldova will participating in a training eco-tourism domaine;
- One research report;
- We have created a logo and a brand of EcoBucovina;
- 30 publications and, news media in Romania, Ukraine and Moldova;
- 1 short film to promote eco-tourism area village;
- Tourist brochures and maps mountainous regions;
- Five thematic routes will be created;
- One -festival in mountain region of Ukraine.